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The origin of the Civil Protection Special Force dates back to 2005, following on from strengthening coordination of the initiatives to protect forests against fires, where a strategy was set up for teams and brigades to be transported by helicopter with the aim of quickly and effectively fighting fires at their start. 

The National Firefighter and Civil Protection Service was then charged with setting up and training a set of firefighters specializing in fighting wildfires that have just started and in operations using helicopters. It was also established that outside of the period where there is a higher number of wildfires, these resources would be used in training and preventive action. The SNBPC enhanced the Special Arrangement for Fighting Wildfires (DECIF) by setting up 6 brigades transported by helicopter, with 14 operatives each, to a total of 84 firefighters. 

In 2007, the National Authority for Civil Protection was created with a new legal scheme applicable to the constitution, organization, running and termination of the firefighter corps, enabling the creation and organization of special forces to perform the missions. On 6 August, the Special “Canarinhos” Firefighter Force (FEB) was set up with two companies operating in the districts of Beja, Castelo Branco, Évora, Guarda, Portalegre, Santarém, and Setúbal. 

In 2019, the National Authority for Emergency and Civil Protection takes over from the ANPC and the Civil Protection Special Forceis integrated in its structure, the successor of the Special Firefighter Force, as a task force with its own command, specializing in the protection and relief of the population in the event of an emergency, serious accident, or disaster, via prevention, response, assistance, or recovery operations. 

Set up with the initial purpose of having teams to fight wildfires transported by helicopters, the FEPC’s mission and capabilities have been evolving. At the moment, it encompasses the response to protection and relief in emergencies, fire prevention and fighting, prevention of serious accidents and disasters, as well as other civil protection missions, including outside Portugal. It also takes part in specialized training, awareness-raising, and disclosure in the fields of civil protection and structure preventive action.