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ANEPC issues public warning by SMS

The Portuguese National Authority for Emergency and Civil Protection (ANEPC), following today’s decision of increasing the level of alert, issued an SMS warning to the population in several areas in the Center and South of Portugal, in order to inform citizens about the extreme weather (heavy rain and strong winds) in the next days, with the associated risk of flooding.   The SMS warning message includes a reference to an ANEPC contact telephone number (+351 214 247 247), through which citizens can clarify any question they might have.   The SMS has no costs for the user and does not require any subscription.   More information here.

ANEPC issues public warning by SMS

The Portuguese National Authority for Emergency and Civil Protection (ANEPC) following today’s decision of increasing the level of alert, issued an SMS warning to the population in several areas in the North and Center of Portugal, in order to inform citizens about the extreme weather (heavy rain and strong winds) in the next days, with the associated risk of flooding.   The SMS warning message includes a reference to an ANEPC contact telephone number (+351 214 247 247), through which citizens can clarify any question they might have.   The SMS has no costs for the user and does not require any subscription.   More information here.

ANEPC issues public warning by SMS

The Portuguese National Authority for Emergency and Civil Protection (ANEPC) issued an SMS warning to the population in the districts of Viana do Castelo, Braga, Porto, Beja e Faro, in order to inform citizens about the risk situation of floods.   The SMS warning message includes a reference to an ANEPC contact telephone number (+351 214 247 247), through which citizens can clarify any question they might have.   The SMS has no costs for the user and does not require any subscription.   More information here.

ANEPC issues public warning by SMS

The Portuguese National Authority for Emergency and Civil Protection (ANEPC), following today’s decision of increasing the level of alert, issued an SMS warning to the population in some areas of the North and Center of Portugal, in order to inform citizens about the extreme weather (heavy rain and strong winds) in the next days, with the associated risk of flooding.   The SMS warning message includes a reference to an ANEPC contact telephone number (+351 214 247 247), through which citizens can clarify any question they might have.   The SMS has no costs for the user and does not require any subscription.   More information here.

ANEPC issues public warning by SMS

The Portuguese National Coordination Center declared the “red alert” for the National Mechanism for Rural Fire Fighting Operations (a “red alert” represents the maximum level of readiness and mobilization of civil protection forces and relief units). Therefore the Portuguese National Authority for Emergency and Civil Protection (ANEPC) issued a public warning via SMS to the population in the North and Center of Portugal mainland, in order to inform about an extreme risk situation related to rural fires.   The SMS warning message includes a reference to an ANEPC contact telephone number (+351 214 247 247), through which citizens can clarify any question they might have.   The SMS has no costs for the user and does not require any subscription. More information here

Serra da Estrela Instrument

Yesterday, 15th December, the Portuguese National Authority for Emergency and Civil Protection (ANEPC) presented the Protection and Relief Joint Operations Instrument at Torre (Serra da Estrela), an instrument that will act in response to emergency situations along the mountain range (Maciço Central).   Due to its unique characteristics, Serra da Estrela is one of the most sought-after tourist attractions in Continental Portugal, attracting thousands of people every year, especially during the winter.   Taking into account this influx of visitors, ANEPC plans and operates a specific joint instrument, every year, that ensures an efficient and effective response in terms of protection and relief, working under the guidance of National Operations Plan for Serra da Estrela (Plano de Operações Nacional da Serra da Estrela - PONSE).   This instrument includes the Fire Departments of Covilhã, Seia, Manteigas, Gouveia, Loriga and São Romão, the Mountain Rescue Group, ANEPC’s Civil Protection Special Force (FEPC), the National Republican Guard’s Protection and Relief Emergency Unit (UEPS), the National Institute of Medical Emergency, and other forces and means qualified to undertake protection and relief missions made available by bodies with a special duty to collaborate.   The instrument will operate between December and April, counting on 18 operatives every day during the week, and 32 at the weekend when there is a higher influx of visitors.   The presentation session was attended by the Secretary of State for Civil Protection, Patrícia Gaspar, the President of ANEPC, Duarte da Costa, the National Commander for Civil Protection and Emergency, André Fernandes, and other representatives of different bodies that are part of the national civil protection system and, therefore, of this Instrument.   The Sub-regional Commander for Civil Protection and Emergency of the Beiras and Serra da Estrela region, António Fonseca, conducted the presentation.

ANEPC issues public warning by SMS

The Portuguese National Authority for Emergency and Civil Protection (ANEPC), following the decision to increase the alert level, issued an SMS warning to the population, in order to inform citizens about the risk situation caused by heavy rain and strong winds. The SMS warning message includes a reference to an ANEPC contact telephone number (+351 214 247 247, available until Friday midnight), through which citizens can clarify any question they might have. The SMS has no costs for the user and does not require any subscription.   More information here.

ANEPC issues public warning by SMS

The Portuguese National Authority for Emergency and Civil Protection (ANEPC) issued an SMS warning to the population in the districts of Lisbon and Tagus Valley, Alentejo and Algarve region, in order to inform citizens about the risk situation of floods. The SMS warning message includes a reference to an ANEPC contact telephone number (+351 214 247 247, available until Thursday midnight), through which citizens can clarify any question they might have. The SMS has no costs for the user and does not require any subscription.   More information here.

ANEPC issues public warning by SMS

The Portuguese National Authority for Emergency and Civil Protection (ANEPC), following the decision to increase the alert level, issued an SMS warning to the population located in all districts of Portugal mainland, in order to inform citizens about the risk situation caused by heavy rain and strong winds.   The SMS warning message includes a reference to an ANEPC contact telephone number (+351 214 247 247, available until Wednesday midnight), through which citizens can clarify any question they might have.   The SMS has no costs for the user and does not require any subscription. More information here.

Aveiro wins Award for Good Local Practices for Resilience

The Intermunicipal Community of the Aveiro Region was the winner of the 2nd edition of the Award for Good Local Practices for Promoting Resilience, an initiative promoted by the National Emergency and Civil Protection Authority, within the framework of the National Strategy for Preventive Civil Protection. The purpose of the Award is to publicly recognize initiatives, considered good practices, developed by parishes, municipalities or inter-municipal entities, which encourage citizens' preparation and participation in increasing resilience in the face of serious accidents and catastrophes.   The Jury recognized the innovative nature of the project “Integrated Natural and/or Technological Risk Management System of the Aveiro Region (SEGURA)”, promoted by the Intermunicipal Community of the Aveiro Region, particularly regarding the application of new interoperable and replicable technologies with a view to to speed up access to information and better train the SEGURA Platform's main target audience, civil protection agents, consequently creating greater resilience in the Aveiro Region.

ANEPC issues public warning by SMS

The Portuguese National Coordination Center declared the “red alert” for the National Mechanism for Rural Fire Fighting Operations (a “red alert” represents the maximum level of readiness and mobilization of civil protection forces and relief units). Therefore the Portuguese National Authority for Emergency and Civil Protection (ANEPC) issued a public warning via SMS to the population of Portugal mainland, in order to inform about an extreme risk situation related to rural fires. The SMS warning message includes a reference to an ANEPC contact telephone number (+351 214 247 247), through which citizens can clarify any question they might have. The SMS has no costs for the user and does not require any subscription. More information here.

Portugal sends to Canada 140 operationals to fight wildfires

Portugal sent to Canada on Wednesday, June 14, a Joint Operational Force  of 140 operatives to support the fight against wildfires affecting the country. The Force includes elements of the National Authority Emergency and Civil Protection the Civil Protection Special Force (FEPC) of ANEPC, the Emergency Protection and Relief Unit (UEPS) of the National Republican Guard, the Institute of Conservation of Nature and Forests, by members of the Fire Departments of the Central Region and the Autonomous Region of Madeira, and the National Institute of Medical Emergencies (INEM). The Minister of Internal Administration recalled the recent missions of Portuguese forces in Turkey and Chile and referred to Canada as a country united with Portugal by historical, social and cultural ties, where more than half a million Portuguese and Portuguese descendants live. This mission stems from Canada's request for international assistance, with the Portuguese response being part of the European Union Civil Protection Mechanism.

National FEPC Command opened

The new building that houses the National Special Force for Civil Protection’s Command in Almeirim was opened today. This investment of around 2.5 million euros stems from a partnership between Almeirim Municipality, the Ministry of Home Affairs, and ANEPC. It was co-funded under the POSEUR / Portugal 2020 programme. The Command has a Communications and Operations Room that allows for constant monitoring and supervision of the missions on a national level and enhances the capacity of having permanent command and control over all the available means and resources. It is also a Logistics Support Basis and can house up to three combat groups. It allows for new powers on a command-and-control level, and also in supporting the forces’ services and preparedness. The ceremony was presided over by the Minister of Home Affairs José Luís Carneiro and was attended by the Secretary of State for Civil Protection, Patrícia Gaspar, the President of the ANEPC, Duarte da Costa, the Mayor of Almeirim, Pedro Ribeiro, the National Emergency and Civil Protection Commander, André Fernandes, the Regional Commander for Lisbon and the Tagus Valley, Elísio Oliveira, the Commander of the Special Force for Civil Protection (FEPC), José Realinho, as well as other representatives of the various entities that make up the civil protection system.

Launch of inclusive guidelines for ZCAPs

On 29 March, the ANEPC publicly presented the Guidelines for Professionals “Addressing Persons with Special Needs in the Context of Zones of Population Concentration and Assistance”. This document, published under the National Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction, as part of its activities in the field of inclusive governance in disaster risk reduction, came from a close collaboration between the ANEPC, the Social Security Institute, the National Institute for Rehabilitation, the Commission for Gender Equality and Citizenship, and the Directorate-General for Health. Considering that a Zone of Population Concentration and Assistance may house, before, during and after a disaster, persons with special needs that require specific care and attention, the ANEPC drafted a document for professionals with general indications on concepts and approaches more suited these persons’ specifications and requirements. The Guidelines can be viewed in our Publications area.

8th International Wildland Fire Conference

The 8th International Wildland Fire Conference will be held in Porto from 16 to 19 May, an initiative by the ILC – International Liaison Committee, hosted locally by AGIF – The Agency for the Integrated Management of Wildfires. The themes of this 8th International Wildland Fire Conference include the integrated management of fires and fire risk governance. The conference seeks to bring together more than 1200 participants from all over the world and present around 500 scientific papers on wildfires with the aim of exchanging knowledge and creating collaboration ties between professionals, scholars, the industry, and public authorities. To attend and learn more:
Limpe os seus terrenos até 30 de abril

Clean your grounds by 30 April

By 30 April, clean the vegetation 50 metres surrounding your house and 100 metres surrounding your village. Take part in the collective effort to prevent the risk of wildfires and protect people’s lives and protect our forests. Avoid paying fines that could be up to 5,000 euros for individuals and up to 25,000 for legal persons. Find out more from your Municipality, Parish Council or by calling 211 389 320 or 808 200 520, as well as on the website Portugal Chama.

144 Portuguese operatives fight fires in Chile

In the wake of the devastating wildfires in Chile, Portugal sent on 11 February a Joint Operational Force with 144 Portuguese operatives. The Force was headed by Commander Mário Silvestre and included 144 operatives from the ANEPC and the ANEPC Special Force for Civil Protection (FEPC), GNR, ICNF (Wildfire management and Forest Firefighters), Fire Departments from the Lisbon and Tagus Valley region, and INEM. This force was deployed to the Concepción province, Bío-Bío region, one of the most hit by the fires, following an international request for assistance triggered by the Chilean authorities via the EU Civil Protection Mechanism. The work carried out by the Portuguese team was highly praised by the population and local authorities and the Portuguese Ambassador to Chile noted “the excellent work carried out by the FOCON during these two weeks, which greatly honours our country’s name. The sacrifice, courage, and dedication to a noble cause that is to avoid and fight against a terrible enemy, that this year has taken more than two dozen human lives in Chile, is to be acknowledged and praised." "If there were any doubts as to the ties of friendship between Portugal and Chile, these 144 operatives of the Joint Operational Fosse are proof of a commitment we have with Chile, the feeling of proximity forged over decades and the experiences shared, which cement the ties and bring us these proofs of mutual solidarity which is mirrored in the assistance provided when requested”.

Earthquake in Turkey and Syria – Portugal deploys Mission

Portugal sent a Joint Operational Force of 52 operatives to Turkey to take part in the relief operations following the quake that hit Southeast Turkey and Northern Syria.  This force is made up of operatives from the National Authority for Emergency and Civil Protection, the Guarda Nacional Republicana [Gendarmerie], the Lisbon Firefighters, and the Integrated Medical Emergency System, with capabilities in the fields of search and rescue in collapsed buildings. The Force will be taking 13 tonnes of material and has canine search teams with 6 dogs specializing in search and rescue operations.  The mission follows the request for international assistance by the Turkish authorities via the EU Civil Protection Mechanism. 19 EU Member States (Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Spain), together with Albania and Montenegro, have deployed teams in coordination with the EU Emergency Response and Coordination Centre (ERCC) and the Turkish authorities.